Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm a happy camper

My entire (technical) life fell apart on Sunday. I had Comcast install high speed cable and DVR to replace my phone line and Tivo. Great way to save a few bucks. All was fine when the installation took place on Friday, but by Friday night, nothing worked. I had to have a friend do some fancy footwork to allow me to watch the World Series. Then, on Sunday, I spilled water on my blackberry/personal phone. On the fritz.

No phone. Not cable. No DVR. Virtually no internet access.

I was lost. And the Sunday NY Times sucked. And I had no luck with the crossword.

Reminded me of life in the early 1990s.

All is repaired today. As I sit on my lazy ass and type this on my wireless connection while watching the evening news.

But damn, it sucks to have missed a few nights of the Daily Show.

What has happened to us?

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