Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vote AGAINST Obama?

I find it hard to believe that, I, a passionate Obama supporter (ok, after the Hillary debacle), is now wondering, 'what has happened?'

Maureen Dowd's piece today about his pathetic, weak, wimpy non-endorsement/endorsement of the mosque at Ground Zero nailed it: "Let me be perfectly clear, Mr. Perfectly Unclear President: You cannot take such a stand on a matter of first principle and then take it back the next morning..."

Whether it's the mosque; the reaction to the Gulf Oil Spill; the lack of singular focus on jobs, until now, I've re-buffed former Obama supporters who wondered allowed if he may be, SHOULD be a one-term President. Now, I wonder myself.

Hillary in 2012?

1 comment:

Julianna said...

Hillary! Yes! I have the same feelings about Obama -- it's heartbreaking to admit to myself that he's not the charge-ahead upholder of justice I'd hoped he'd be. But Hillary (who I voted for in the primaries) has been a kick-ass Sec of State. She knows how to wield her power and get things done.