Friday, August 29, 2014

Todd's Must Reads for Last Friday of the Summer

1-The Truth about Down Syndrome.
This is a terrific piece that reminds us that happiness isn't always as we conventionally see it. For individuals with DS and their families, the challenges are many, but the rewards are greater than most of us may realize.

2-End the Tyranny of 24/7 Email.
Just yesterday, I was writing about the toxicity of smart phones and what they've done (er, what we've allowed them to do) to every facet of our lives. This very good article shows how some very big companies have decided to take action and give their employees a "mandatory" break from email, the tool that prevents us from getting anything done. I've taken to shutting off my work email when I leave the office (shhhh) and not looking again until the next morning. And, guess what? The sky hasn't fallen and I haven't lost my job. I'm less agitated; enjoy my evenings more; and sleep better. Give it a try. If your boss or CEO needs to reach you, there's always texting. or Facebook messenger.

I discovered the web site last night and loved the first article I read. It's a somewhat meandering riff on how to live your best life. Hold hands. Say hello. Build things. And many more. It got me to thinking (yet again) about how I want to live my days. As I learn (and forget) and learn again, it's about mindfulness, awareness, presence.

Ok, off to the gym to lift heavy shit and then my first visit to Governors Island. Book, crossword (and yes, that damn smart phone) in hand.

Bring it on.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Todd's Must Reads of the Day

1-Is Everyone a Little Bit Racist? Nicholas Krisof speaks an often unspoken truth. How many of us (white people) have black friends? How many of us ignore a young black male asking us for directions, while not hesitating at all to offer help to a white male of the same age?

2-Plugged in Over Preppy. Over the past year, I've become absolutely convinced that smart phones are hurting us in so many ways. We don't communicate directly; we don't see what's around us; and, as this article in today's NYT says, we don't even care about what clothes we wear anymore, at least teens don't. For them, I-phones and the myriad accoutrements that are available with them are now more important to teens than tight jeans.

3-A 9-Year Old at a Shooting Range. No Words.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vote AGAINST Obama?

I find it hard to believe that, I, a passionate Obama supporter (ok, after the Hillary debacle), is now wondering, 'what has happened?'

Maureen Dowd's piece today about his pathetic, weak, wimpy non-endorsement/endorsement of the mosque at Ground Zero nailed it: "Let me be perfectly clear, Mr. Perfectly Unclear President: You cannot take such a stand on a matter of first principle and then take it back the next morning..."

Whether it's the mosque; the reaction to the Gulf Oil Spill; the lack of singular focus on jobs, until now, I've re-buffed former Obama supporters who wondered allowed if he may be, SHOULD be a one-term President. Now, I wonder myself.

Hillary in 2012?

Sunday, November 30, 2008


The movie was very good. Sean Penn was, as ever, brilliant. To think what has happened in the gay rights world since that awful day and what role Milk might have played.

Andrew Sullivan has a good take.

It Has Been Awhile...

After nearly nine months, I'm back. Not sure for how long, but here I am. A few "bullet points" to what I'm thinking:

  • I can't believe that we still have 6 1/2 weeks until Obama takes office. Why does this take so long here? Other countries transition power in hours or days. We're in the midst of the worst financial crisis in 80 years? If this weren't a transition period, would we allow the government to do nothing for 8-10 weeks?
  • My 93 year-old grandmother had a stroke while we where home for Thanksgiving. I think she will be ok, but, wow. Just a day before, I had spent hours chatting with her about family/life/food and all was good.
  • I'm a Facebook freak. Why should I or anyone care that I "woke up at 5am today. Crap." 
  • Am I the only one that still listens to podcasts?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

What if Barack Doesn't Deliver?

Interesting comment from Gail Collins in today's New York Times:

Some of the Democratic resistance to Obama’s magic comes from people who are wary of politicians who want to win their hearts. Every great candidate has golden moments when the campaign merges perfectly into the zeitgeist of the people. But sooner or later it passes, and you’re left with a tired, flawed human being making a pitch to crowds of slightly deflated citizens. One of Hillary’s selling points is that we’re pre-deflated. We’ve known her so well for so long.