Monday, October 1, 2007

It's Todd, Not Scott

Here. I've done it. I'm starting a blog. A year ago, I hardly knew what the word meant. Now, I am one. Or I have one. Whatever.

The name came to me fairly easily. For nearly all of my 38 years, I have been called "Scott," not my given name, "Todd." It happened again last week with a friend of fifteen years and my personal trainer (I know, I know, I'm one of those that needs to use every opportunity possible to mention my PT). I don't get it and, to be honest, don't like it. I hate the name Scott, or at least I hate it for me. I think of a nerdy, four-eyed, dark-haired, straight-hair 18 year old that was the last one picked on his high school phys ed. team for years.

Ok, that was me.

I have no idea what I will post here or even if anyone will read it after one shot. My guess is that it will be a hodge podge of news commentary (I am a media junkie); observations about culture, mostly tv and books; and maybe even an occasional wry observation about life as it is.

I hope you enjoy.


Sammy B. said...

At long last--Mr. T's blog begins!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the blog, Todd-o! I like it,...and for the record, I've never called your Scott (at least not to your face). Good luck with the race this Saturday!