Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benazir Bhutto

I literally gasped when I heard the news in the car this morning. Of course, it's more of a shock than a surprise. And, though I don't pretend to be an expert on international policy, I do sense from everything that I've read and heard that this is potentially a very, very significant event and one that we need to watch closely.

As a news junkie, I am always interested in knowing how the mainstream media covers these events. I listed on NPR most of the day and the coverage was terrific--mix of hard news, commentary and BBC. But I was also pleasantly surprised by the coverage n network news tonight. All three broadcasts spent atleast 40% of their airtime on the story, though ABC was the only one with its own correspondent on the ground. That said, i was dissapointed that none of the three anchors could bother to interrupt their holiday vacations to return to the studio. I tell you--Dan, Tom and Peter would have been there.

More than you need to know...

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