Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I'm a political junkie, watching and reading everything from Meet the Press, Keith Olberman, and any op-ed by Maureen Dowd, or, occasionally, Bob Herbert.

The next 350 days or so will be fascinating, but right now I'm focused on Iowa (January 3) and New Hampshire (January 8). I've been a long-time believer of the inevitability of Hilary Clinton as the Democratic nominee, but the past few weeks have tested that assumption. Polls (notoriously inaccurate in early states) now say that Obama is in the lead and the pundits seem to think so, too. I'm still not convinced that, as Bob Herbert said recently, that there is enough "there there," but I am also increasingly wary of the endless political calculations of Hilary. Still, the idea of having First Man Bill keeps me believing.

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