Thursday, January 31, 2008

What if Barack Doesn't Deliver?

Interesting comment from Gail Collins in today's New York Times:

Some of the Democratic resistance to Obama’s magic comes from people who are wary of politicians who want to win their hearts. Every great candidate has golden moments when the campaign merges perfectly into the zeitgeist of the people. But sooner or later it passes, and you’re left with a tired, flawed human being making a pitch to crowds of slightly deflated citizens. One of Hillary’s selling points is that we’re pre-deflated. We’ve known her so well for so long.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Kennedy Bounce

When I last wrote, Hillary had her New Hampshire comeback and I was ecstatic that we had a real race on our hands. I hadn't made a decision--Hillary or Barack--but wanted to see a fight for at least a few states and many more weeks.

And, I've been loving the horserace. Each day, I'm convinced the other has made the connection and is on the road to the nomination. But, maybe, just maybe, I've landed as of today.

And, it's all about Bill, unfortunately. My generation's favorite president and, at one time the man who represented just about everything I cared about (ok, not THAT), has been despicable the past few weeks. And, as so many have already said, it reminds me of everything I can't stand about politics, about Washington and yes, about "what the meaning of is is."

But it was Teddy Kennedy's endorsement today that (at least for now) sealed the deal. It is time for a big change and, Barack represents it. Sure, I wish he had more experience and, yes, I do worry about what he'll be like on Day 1. But somehow, someway, Teddy and Caroline reassured me today. And, Teddy's inclusion of "gays and lesbians" in talking about Barack was the clincher.

I don't know that this is where I'll end up when I vote next week (Mass is still very heavily in favor of Hillary), but for now, it's Barack.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Interesting commentary re. Hillary/Obama


My parents have been solid Clinton supporters for years, and they are extremely partisan. I have done everything in my power over the past six months to convince them to vote for Obama.
They finally started to move towards him over the past few weeks. Then my mother told me last night that the debate over the weekend in NH was so great - better than a debate has been in such a long time - that they simply didn't want the discussion to end. They felt it was too soon. The desire to see more discussion meshed with the media hype of "it will be over," leading them to believe that if they voted for Obama, the democratic primaries would be over. When this combined with the fact that they are old-ish and didn't stay up to watch Obama's Iowa acceptance speech (and weren't impressed with his debating), they swung back to Clinton.

Hillary? I said, Hillary?

Ok, it's not over, but this clearly isn't this the blow-out/coronation that every frigging media personality/blogger/friend of mine predicted. And, no I'm not gloating. I'm actually excited. We have a race! And shouldn't that be the case after only two pathetically small states have voted?

I was all over the media for pissing on Hillary's tears yesterday. But maybe, just maybe, voters realized those weren't manipulated, but the real deal. And, finally, maybe, Hillary showed some real human emotion.

This is getting fun.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Going Nuts About Barack

Alright, already. How many euphemisms have been said?: "riding a wave;" "changing the nation;" "a new era;" "we can all change the world together."

I don't know who I'll vote for (and, in Massachusetts, does it really matter?), but come on folks--including some of my closest friends and, especially, the media--let's cool it on Barack insanity until he's received more than 70,000 votes in a country of 250 million. He may be the right person at the right time, but I'm still not convinced. He's a junior senator with two years national experience and, prior to that, a city councilman. Don't issues matter any more? Isn't there more than hope?

Yes, I agree that Hillary can appear manipulative (but I do believe her teary speech this morning) and cold and that Bill just needs to shut up. But she's one smart woman and, yes, has experience.

Let's see this through for, oh, I don't know, at least a few weeks, before we coronate someone we hardly know, ok?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

2007: The Year (Sort of ) in Review