Monday, January 28, 2008

The Kennedy Bounce

When I last wrote, Hillary had her New Hampshire comeback and I was ecstatic that we had a real race on our hands. I hadn't made a decision--Hillary or Barack--but wanted to see a fight for at least a few states and many more weeks.

And, I've been loving the horserace. Each day, I'm convinced the other has made the connection and is on the road to the nomination. But, maybe, just maybe, I've landed as of today.

And, it's all about Bill, unfortunately. My generation's favorite president and, at one time the man who represented just about everything I cared about (ok, not THAT), has been despicable the past few weeks. And, as so many have already said, it reminds me of everything I can't stand about politics, about Washington and yes, about "what the meaning of is is."

But it was Teddy Kennedy's endorsement today that (at least for now) sealed the deal. It is time for a big change and, Barack represents it. Sure, I wish he had more experience and, yes, I do worry about what he'll be like on Day 1. But somehow, someway, Teddy and Caroline reassured me today. And, Teddy's inclusion of "gays and lesbians" in talking about Barack was the clincher.

I don't know that this is where I'll end up when I vote next week (Mass is still very heavily in favor of Hillary), but for now, it's Barack.

1 comment:

Sammy B. said...

Vote how you feel (but you gotta know I'm glad to hear of your moment today).
